St Nicholas, Pinvin and Churches Together around Pershore

A warm welcome to all our new residents in Pinvin. A brief history of St Nicholas Church with details of services and an introduction to Pershore churches together is available, free of charge, from any of the church members in the ‘St Nicholas Church, Pinvin’ section.

Should any Pinvin Villager like to attend the meetings or be part of the PCC, please contact any member of the PCC (Parochial Church Council).

Can You Help?

Our Village Church needs people to help run the normal activities in which Churches are involved. We need people who can lend an occasional hand, or throw in a few ideas. People wanting to help in any way they can. There are many tasks associated with the maintenance of an old church building.

You don’t have to go to Church to be involved.

The Village Church needs people to help run activities and be involved in the maintenance of the building. Could you help us? Can you offer advice on Lighting or Heating? Both topics need to be improved in the Church.

Current maintenance requirements include The rendering around the outside of the Chancel needs to be repaired or replaced. The roof needs some attention we hope to have a specification prepared by our Architect in the near future and some quotations for the work. The Porch needs some attention; we shall be seeking further advice on the condition of the stone work from the stone masons when they start repair work on the West wall next month. The Roof needs attention, same comments as previously discussed.

Please contact any of the Chucrh members in the ‘St Nicholas Church, Pinvin’ section if you would like more information.

Flower Rota

It will soon be time to produce the flower rota for Pinvin church and we could do with some more Volunteers. You do not need to be trained in flower arranging, just enjoy them. Whether you would like to be on the rota as a regular volunteer or just once a year we would appreciate your help.

Please contact Jeanette Dawe on 01386 552740 or any PCC member.

Musician Needed.

Is there anybody in our village that could spare one or sometimes two Sunday mornings a month and who plays an instrument i.e. piano / organ or guitar? If you think that you could fill this vacancy, then please contact Glen Hurst. Many thanks in advance.

We have a very nice re-tuned Hawkins Organ at the back of the Church. These instruments need to be regularly played to keep them in tune and in good condition. Should any of you like to have a go playing it (even in private), please contact one of the Church Wardens.

What about starting a Music evening? or even a Choir??