Pinvin Parish Council Update.

Playground Equipment

The new playground equipment has been installed. This was paid for through Section 106 funding.

The parish council hopes that the children of Pinvin will get a great deal of enjoyment from it over the years.

New Homes Bonus

Pinvin Parish currently has a New Homes Bonus grant allocation of £19,610 from Wychavon District Council . The parish council submitted proposals for how they would like to spend this money. This was all subject to a resident survey.

Four ideas have been put forward: A community orchard, Playground equipment for older children 10yrs+ A dog agility course and A large wooden shelter with seating.

A door to door survey was recently carried out in the village to find out which idea appealed most to residents. The results of this survey, based on people’s first choice, is:

Playground equipment for children aged 10yrs+ 44% of respondents

Community orchard 40% of respondents

Dog agility course 2% of respondents

Large shelter 2% of respondents

The Localism and Community Officer for Wychavon District Council was informed of the results of the survey and, as the top two projects were of equal value to the residents, it has been decided that we can put in a bid to fund both of them.

This will be done in the next couple of months. The project will now be for a Basketball Hoop, a Teen Shelter and a Community Orchard. Quotes are being collated and will be presented to the New Homes Bonus Panel.

Improvements to Pinvin Crossroads and the Northern Link

The planning application for the improvements to Pinvin Crossroads has been approved. Work started in September.

It marks the beginning of the long awaited “Northern Link” project that creates a new route into Pershore, linking Abbey View roundabout over the railway to the roundabout at KeyTec7 and on down Wyre Road to Station Road.

That planning application is being processed at the moment. Work on that will follow on from the improvements to Pinvin crossroads and will now start in the Spring of 2020 when the Slowworms and Newts are out of hibernation. It is all due to be completed in 2021