What is a Parish Council?

It is a local authority whose members are elected by the electors in the Parish and serve for four years.  Some parish councils are called town councils, but they all have to abide by the same legislation set down by Parliament.

What can Parish Councils do?

Parliament has given various powers to Parish Councils.  These powers relate to planning, provision of recreational facilities, halls, crime prevention, community transport, public lavatories, tourism, allotments, footpaths, street lighting, commons etc.  Powers were recently increased.  They also act to represent residents of the village at in issues such the County Structure Plan, problems with highways and bins, and with local businesses.  They employ a Lengthsman to carry out highway maintenance (see Lengthsman)

Where do Parish Councils get their funding?

They may precept for a sum to be collected by the District Council as part of the Council Tax and paid to the Parish Council in two parts, April and September.  This is paid by the electors in the Parish.  They may also receive grants and income in other ways.  They use this to help improve life for their local community in many ways.

Pinvin Parish Council

Pinvin has around 640 electors.  The Parish Council may have up to 7 members.  The council currently has 6 Councillors and a vacancy for a Parish Councillor currently exists.  The precept for the year  including precept grant for 2022/23 is £21,768.  We also get income from various sources such as Worcestershire County Council for our Lengthsman duties and Roof Top Housing for grass cutting and Worcestershire County Council to help with the cost of things like cutting the grass verges.

The Council meets on the first Tuesday in the month wherever possible at Pinvin Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Residents of Pinvin are always welcome to attend the meeting, and have the opportunity to raise issues or comment on what the Council has discussed.  Alternatively you can contact the Clerk or one of the Councillors who will always be pleased to received comments (good or bad!) and assist wherever possible.