The Parish Council Lengthsman.

The modern “Lengthsman” scheme is the re-incarnation of an old concept – a locally employed person to carry out highway maintenance tasks identified by the local community as important. It enables an enhanced local service with local priorities. The work may be expanded to tackle other small-scale maintenance work, either directly or jointly with the local community and the partners involved.

The work is funded by Worcestershire County Council, and we can claim for task that are ‘approved’.  That means that while we have control over the work schedule of the Lengthsman, we can set only set tasks that the on the County Council’s list.

Lengthsman Scheme Work Tasks

  • Drainage

    Clear gullies, headwalls, and outfalls; Advise landowners and frontagers when their ditches need cleaning;

  • Vegetation Clearance

    Remove vegetation obstructing signs and at junction visibility splays; Removal of basal tree growth from highway trees; Side out footways to normal width and spread arisings on verge where possible; Negotiate with frontagers for them to cut back overhanging vegetation.

  • Miscellaneous

    Rotation and charging of mobile Vehicular Activated Signs (VAS); Clean dirty signs, reposition signs which have been knocked out of place; Snow clearance and gritting / salting by hand; Removal of illegal fly posting; Maintenance and repainting of highways approved visibility fencing.

    If you spot any work that fits within the Lengthsman Scheme Work Tasks please report it to the Parish Clerk () and we will investigate and where appropriate instruct the